Jean Elizabeth Allan aka Allan Sovik |
fka Jean E. Vorisek Quinn |
[Jean Allan Sovik is on Facebook] |
09/09/2013 LETTER to Social Security Administration re: Jean Elizabeth Allan, a US Citizen who needs assistance with stolen ID crimes that have caused her to lose her US citizenship rights...
07/17/2013 PUBLIC NOTICE: Title 42, Section 1983 Inquiry addressed to New Hampshire Attorney General Joseph Foster, New Hampshire Governor Maggie Hassan, and US DOJ Office of Inspector General
06/10/2013 EMAIL to Fraud Complaint US DOJ RE: Pentagon Jurisdiction
06/03/2013 LETTER to Fraud Complaint US DOJ OIG RE: prior complaint referral
05/12/2013 OPEN LETTER to Denis J. McInerney, Chief, Fraud Section, US Department of Justice
05/07/2013 OPEN LETTER to New Hampshire Governor Elect Maggie Hassan
04/24/2013 OPEN LETTER to Denis J. McInerney, Chief, Fraud Section, US Department of Justice
04/10/2013 OPEN LETTER to New Hampshire Governor Elect Maggie Hassan
03/20/2013 OPEN LETTER to Denis J. McInerney, Chief, Fraud Section, US Department of Justice
01/25/2013 OPEN LETTER to New Hampshire Attorney General Delaney
01/05/2013 OPEN LETTER to New Hampshire Governor Elect Maggie Hassan
11/19/2012 OPEN LETTER to New Hampshire State Representative Gene R. Chandler
08/09/2012 To The Law Offices of Carney & Bassil, P.C. RE: REQUEST for confirmation or denial that your client James Bulger used the alias of John Iuele while representing a financing company named Hamilton Funding located in Hampton, NH, in 1989.
07/17/2012 "Sheriff Conley email in re: Objection filed in 05-E-078 (illegal) Petition to Foreclose on 309 Waukewan Rd, CH NH"
07/12/2012 EMAIL REQUEST FOR RESPONSE FROM NH AG DELANEY WITH CC TO SHERIFF CONLEY in RE: On 2.17.04 NH Banking Department referred 2.03.04 and 2.16.04 complaint of Jean E. Vorisek Family Trust to NH Attorney General pursuant to RSA 383:10-d. What action, if any, did the NG AG take on the NH Banking Department criminal referral?
07/05/2012 RESPONSE RE: July 2, 2012 CARROLL COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE, OSSIPEE, NH CHRISTOPHER E. CONLEY HIGH SHERIFF REPORTED: "I am announcing the formation of a task force to investigate mortgage fraud throughout Carroll County – criminal fraud."
06/30/2012 URGENT REQUEST FOR RESPONSE FROM NH AG DELANEY RE: NH RSA 383:10-D [Complaint filed filed with NH BD Commissioner Hildreth on February 3, 2004]
11/21/2011 INQUIRY relative to possible fraud and financial crimes committed upon Netmark International, a Massachusetts Corporation
10/27/2011 EMAIL to NH Attorney General, Michael Delaney, RE: NH RSA 477 and NH's Interpretation as applied to HIGH BIRCHES and Jean E Vorisek Family Trust 10/26/2011 EMAIL to NH Attorney General, Michael Delaney, RE: NH RSA 477:3a and [Other] States County Registers file for tax-filing-fee-evasion
12/23/2010 MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION RE: RESTORATION COMPETENCY HEARING 12/15/2010 MOTION FOR RETROSPECTIVE DETERMINATION OF COMPETENCY 12/10/2010 AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLAINT attached to EMAIL FROM: Kurt W. Vorisek TO: NH Center Harbor Chief of Police, Mark Chase 11/25/2010 EMAIL to New Hampshire Office of the Attorney General, Keith Allen Brooks, Assistant Attorney General, RE: HB USPS 1996 proof of sales
11/23/2010 EMAIL to New Hampshire Office of the Attorney General, Keith Allen Brooks, Assistant Attorney General, RE: Referral Request
11/22/2010 LETTER to New Hampshire Office of the Attorney General, Keith Allen Brooks, Assistant Attorney General, RE: Status of High Birches Permits
11/18/2010 LETTER to NH Prosecutor Robert Libby, Esq. RE: Brady information
11/09/2010 MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION RE: NH Supreme Court 2010-0051
10/30/2010 EMAIL TO: NH DOJ K. Allan Brooks Re: Request for MORTGAGE FRAUD Task Force contact in the Office of The New Hampshire Attorney General
10/29/2010 CLARIFICATION MOTION 10/26/2010 SUPPLEMENTAL MOTION 10/15/2010 SUBPOENA DUCES TECUM PETITION 10/06/2010 NOTICE of Competency Hearing 10/04/2010 MOTION Pursuant to NH Rules of Evidence Article VII. Opinions and Expert Testimony -- Rules 702-705, Disclosure of Facts or Data Underlying Expert Opinion 09/20/2010 NOTICE OF DECISION 450-2009-CR-04147; Received: 09/18/2010, Postmarked: 09/15/2010, Dated: 08/11/2010 09/01/2010 EMAIL TO: NH DOJ K. Allen Brooks Re: RSA 383:10-d as referenced in the FRM Interim NH Legislative Report 08/26/2010 EMAIL TO: Ms. Jean Allan Sovik Re: Research Summary Relative to Approvals Associated with the High Birches Mountain Spring Water Supply and Bulk Water Loading Facility 08/24/2010 EMAIL TO: NH DOJ K. Allen Brooks Re: Status of Senter Cove Development Company, Inc.'S Large Groundwater Permits 11/04/2009 COMPLAINT PETITION of Licensee Misconduct filed with the New Hampshire Board of Mental Health Practice over the 10/13/2009 FORENSIC COMPETENCY REPORT submitted to the Laconia District Court [09-CR-1293-6] from the Office of the Forensic Examiner with the New Hampshire Department of Corrections 04/17/2009 LETTER to New Hampshire Banking Department Attorneys Desfosses and White Re: Complaints filed on August 21, 2008 with respect to: Security National Master Holding Co., its affiliate SN Servicing, Inc. and the Laconia Savings Bank 10/10/2006 STOLEN IDENTITY In NH 02/14/2006 REPLY BRIEF filed with the New Hampshire Supreme Court 2005-0814 01/17/2006 New Hampshire resident files FOIA/PA REQUEST Re: Wire Taps and Warrants with the USDOJ Criminal Division 01/13/2006 An OPEN LETTER to New Hampshire Governor John Lynch Re: Right-to-Know Act 12/19/2005 BRIEF filed with the New Hampshire Supreme Court 2005-0814 12/06/2005 LETTER to NH Governor Lynch Re: Robin Arkley II, SN Servicing Corporation, Ingomar LP: mortgage fraud; High Birches Springs fraud; death and disappearance of the body of my mother Agnes S. Allan, and the two attempts already made upon my life, among other things
[This Page Last Updated on February 16, 2016]