Chairman, Robert D. Mead, (R) Box 308 Mt Vernon 03057 Tel 673-3203
David E. Cote (D) 96 W. Hollis St. Nashua 03060 Tel 882-2244
Greg M. Sorg (R) 129 Gibson Road Franconia 03580 Tel 823-8856
Nancy J.Elliot (R) 8 ½ Seaverns Bridge Road Merrimack 03054 Tel 888-3179
Tony F. Soltani (R) 1073 Highland Dr. Epsom 03234 Tel 736-9653
Stephen J.Shurtleff (D) 11 Vinton Dr. Penacook 03303 Tel 753-4563
Peter S. Espiefs (D) 29 Middle Street Keene 03431 Tel 352-2770
Please contact all of the above with your support for passage of the most important legislative effort to eliminate MONOPOLY!
Rep. Dick Marple, Merrimack District #9 TELEFAX 627 1837