October 12, 2005

Hon. James Sensenbrenner, Jr., Chairman
House Judiciary Committee
2138 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Congressman Sensenbrenner:

Millions of Americans are losing faith in the American legal system. The courts have, in many respects, become places where the hope of justice is illusory because the law has become the exclusive province of an elite "priesthood" of lawyers who the average person cannot afford to hire for any serious problem.

Pro-se litigants are not treated with respect in the courts, and neither the law nor the courts are user friendly.

I am a lawyer in the Boston area with 24 years of experience and am fairly well accomplished and recognized (see www.grossack.com). I also coach pro-se litigants and counsel legal reform organizations.

I assure you that widespread dissatisfaction exists at every level with our justice system. Such issues as gender bias in divorce, the deserved mistrust of lawyers, the lopsided power of major law firms, the elitist attitude of a segment of the judiciary, the maltreatment of dissidents, including dissident lawyers, the refusal of federal courts to address abuses in state courts-- these all contribute to what some experts now call "legal abuse syndrome." Because of widespread immunity granted to government officials, judges and court officials, redress is increasingly difficult.

Legal abuse has hit my household as well, with a loved one suffering a stroke from false accusations.

I am writing to ask your committee to hold hearings on "Citizen's Grievances Against the American Legal System" and on "Legal Abuse."

Our Institute will provide witnesses to give testimony about this crisis. Democratic institutions cannot survive a dysfunctional justice system. It is for all practical purposes a national crisis.

Can I please coordinate with your committee so these hearings can be
scheduled as soon as possible?

Thank you,

David C. Grossack


 Lawyer and Business Consultant


[Last Update on October 26, 2005 at 11:23 AM]