,,,,,,,From: "David A. Bickford" <david1@worldpath.net>
To: <Undisclosed-Recipient:;>
Subject: HB 529, Judge Kelly letter.
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2005 11:54:48 -0400
Dear child advocates,
Attached is a letter from Adm. Judge, Family Division, Edwin Kelly to the NH House Children and Family Law Committee. He is asking the Committee to not pass HB 529 because it would add changes to the court system. He wants to measure how well HB 640 does without a presumption of equity and with continued mudslinging and stone throwing. With GAL's, Masters and Judges continuing to base their recommendations and decisions on personal opinions rather than letting the evidence and facts determining the best interests of a child.
This is highly irregular for the judicial branch of government to influence a policy decision of the legislature without offering how the policy will effect the court or even offering how it intends to measure the effects of HB 640. How long do they need to measure the effect and what methods do they intend to use for measuring? The court has always resisted my efforts to collect more accurate data on child custody between mothers and fathers. I wonder if that will change now that they want to measure. No explanation is offered as to how HB 529 might cause a problem for the court. That's what is suspicious about this letter.
HB 529 will leave less work for the courts not more. Requiring only evidence to be used to undo a shared parenting role will greatly reduce what is entered into the court. HB 529 will drastically reduce the workload for many that get work from the system such as social services and attorneys and I feel that's who is influencing Judge Kelly.
I visualize HB 640 as being a well built car without tires. It will run but not very far on steel rims without service and replacement. HB 529 adds the rubber tires that keeps the machine moving smoothly with much less service. We don't need to do measurements to know what's best for our children and the public.

This letter is a black eye to the integrity of our democratic system and separation of powers. It must be exposed and stopped. Letters to the editors of newspapers is in order.

Here is an email distribution list, in advance, for the appropriate legislators to contact in support of HB 529.

epmoran@comcast.net , karen.mcrae@leg.state.nh.us , david1@worldpath.net , itsenh@comcast.net , lizblanchard@earthlink.net , bham@gsgs.org , kd1843@verizon.net , betts24_03079@yahoo.com , rfootes@cheshire.net , anne@grassie.org , hartflock@comcast.net , anthony.matarazzo@leg.state.nh.us , joseph.foster@leg.state.nh.us , robert.clegg@leg.state.nh.us , richard.green@leg.state.nh.us , robert.letourneau@leg.state.nh.us , david.gottesman@leg.state.nh.us , andre.martel@leg.state.nh.us , joseph.kenney@leg.state.nh.us , john.gallus@leg.state.nh.us , jcraig48@aol.com , thomas.eaton@leg.state.nh.us , doug.scamman@leg.state.nh.us , mirrixlooms@adelphia.net , mikeoneilnh@aol.com , lars.christiansen@leg.state.nh.us , beaforlife@comcast.net , armlaw@hotmail.com , jstephen@dhhs.state.nh.us , lynne.ober@leg.state.nh.us , governorlynch@nh.gov , beaforlife@comcast.net , janet.wall@leg.state.nh.us , rwieczorek@gov.state.nh.us , rgriffin@gov.state.nh.us , rburton@gov.state.nh.us , warren@nhgop.org 



NH media addresses:

letters@fosters.com ,
letters@cmonitor.com ,
letters@theunionleader.com ,
jcollins@1590.com , nharnie@tds.net ,
info@wtplfm.com ,
haltshiller@seacoastonline.com ,
kdandurant@seacoastonline.com ,
info@wlnh.com ,
news@telegraph-nh.com ,
lchauvette@citizen.com ,
landrigank@telegraph-nh.com ,
office@wntk.com ,
news@keenesentinel.com ,
wmurtv@wmur.com ,

Rep. David A. Bickford
183 Brackett Road
New Durham, NH 03855
(603) 859-7899


[Last Update on October 26, 2005 at 10:08 AM]