[10/31/2016] Clinton Foundation FBI Investigation Confirmed By Former Assistant FBI Director [Here’s a pretty kettle of fish! /s As per legal requirements, has any part of The Clinton Foundation ever procured a comprehensive, independent, and compliant audit [CLICK HERE] of its financial results?] [CLICK HERE]
[10/30/2016] DOJ's Loretta Lynch Tried To Squash Comey's Letter To Congress [Ah, when constabulary duty’s to be done, to be done, A policeman’s lot is not a happy one, happy one. THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE – G&S] [CLICK HERE]
10/29/2016] 21 Things We’ve Learned About Hillary Clinton from Wikileaks That the MSM Won’t Share… But YOU Can! [Why has there been no reporting on these things by the mainstream media? Has the mainstream media “dropped the ball” and are now being replaced by alternative media such as breitbart.com, zerohedge.com or blacklistednews.com?] [CLICK HERE]
THE SMOKING GUN: WIKILEAKS EMAILS SHOW PROOF POSITIVE OF VAST CLINTON FOUNDATION CORRUPTION [As per legal requirements, has any part of The Clinton Foundation ever procured a comprehensive, independent, and compliant audit [CLICK HERE] of its financial results?] [CLICK HERE]
10/28/2016] Bill and Chelsea Respond To Clinton Foundation Scandal [As per legal requirements, has any part of The Clinton Foundation ever procured a comprehensive, independent, and compliant audit [CLICK HERE] of its financial results?] [CLICK HERE]
10/27/2016] Press Freedom? Dakota Access Pipeline [DAP] Documentarian Faces 45 Years In Prison For Filming Activists [What is the litmus test for being considered a journalist? Can one just pick up a camera and claim to be a journalist? Could a journalist be criminally charged as a [CONSPIRATOR] while recording a criminal activity if the journalist had prior knowledge of the who, what, where and when of the criminal activity?] [CLICK HERE]
10/26/2016] [Does] Democratic Senate Candidate Evan Bayh Represents [Represent] Everything Broken, Corrupt And Wrong With America[?] [Is this just one more revelation as to the sleaze, corruption and graft this administration and its cronies enjoy? Have honest law abiding citizens and representative of these citizens become a minority?] [CLICK HERE]
10/25/2016] MAKE JOURNALISM GREAT AGAIN! PODESTA EMAILS: “A collection of our top emails findings in the last 24 hours.” [The Law is the true embodiment Of everything that’s excellent, It has no kind of fault or flaw. And now we must, embody the law ... Iolanthe, G&S (slightly modified)] [CLICK HERE]
10/24/2016] The Mark Of A Great General Is That He Fights On His Own Terms Or He Fights Not At All The Art of War, SUN TZU
10/23/2016] 28 Things Donald Trump Promises to Do as President [A Man with a Plan; Specificity and Particularity!] [CLICK HERE]
[10/22/2016] Monsanto Bayer: Two Destructive Corporate Conglomerates Become One [Should Bayer as well as Monsanto be credited with colony collapse disorder and killing bees? Are chemicals in pesticides from Bayer and Monsanto harming worms, soil, other pollinators, our waterways, aquatic life and humans? Have lies now become the new truth?] [CLICK HERE]
Doctors Discovered Dead After Promoting Alternative Cure for Cancer [Has cancer become an indispensable business asset to drug makers? Has Big Pharma revenue become dependent on the suffering and deaths of millions of cancer victims every year?] [CLICK HERE]
10/21/2016] The Ruling Elite Has Lost the Consent of the Governed [Why is the growth rate of administrators more than thirty times the growth rate of physicians? When will the disillusioned governed (we the voters) affirmatively withdraw their consent from a self-serving, predatory, parasitic, and greedy ruling elite?] [CLICK HERE]
Donald Trump Announces “America First Economic Desk” To Protect American Workers [Truth, Justice and The American Way ...] [CLICK HERE]
10/20/2016] Fact-Check: NO, the Clinton Foundation Did Not ‘Spend Ninety Percent’ of Money Donated on ‘Programs’ [Did the Clinton Foundation expend 6% (six %) on actual charitable endeavors and NOT 90% as claimed? As per legal requirements, has any part of The Clinton Foundation ever procured a comprehensive, independent, and compliant audit [CLICK HERE] of its financial results?] [CLICK HERE]
Hidden Fragility - What Happens When The Electricity Is Off For Three Days? [Are the comments following the article as informative as the article? IMHO, yes!] [CLICK HERE]
[10/19/2016] Report: One in two American adults is in a face recognition database [What oversight will-be/has-been put in place for [Face Recognition Systems]? What laws or guidelines currently regulate the use of face recognition technology? Do you have a profile image on Facebook?] [CLICK HERE]
[10/18/2016] Wikileaks Provides An Update On The Assange Internet Outage [Is the Obama administration willing to go to such great lengths, literally escalating tensions with another superpower, to protect Hillary from whatever WikiLeaks has yet to release? Is the Ecuador embassy able to sustain the blow back from keeping Assange? Does the Doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) now apply to cyber war as well as nuclear war?] [CLICK HERE]
10/17/2016] For the simple are killed by their turning away, and the complacence of fools destroys them; Proverbs 01:32
10/16/2016] Clinton Escalates Attacks Against Russia's "Direct Assault On Our Democracy" [Actually, is Hillary Clinton the biggest threat to American democracy since fraud was involved by the DNC in order for her to become the Democratic candidate for POTUS? Is Hillary falsely using the Russians to divert attention from the [Wikileaks email releases], which expose her alledged emetic conduct?] [CLICK HERE]
10/15/2016] Clinton Foundation Internal Audit: We May Have Misled the IRS [As per legal requirements, has any part of The Clinton Foundation ever procured a comprehensive, independent, and compliant audit [CLICK HERE] of its financial results?] [CLICK HERE]
[10/14/2016] Losing Face How a Facial Recognition Mismatch Can Ruin Your Life [How reliable is Facial Recognition (FR); does it work as reliably in real life as it does as seen on TV and movies? Is the FBI aware of any perils which exist in the use of FR? How accurate are automated FR systems and is proper training being provided to those using these automated systems? Has the degree of FR reliability advanced to the point where the burden of proof has shifted to the defendant?] [CLICK HERE]
[10/13/2016] Will the information exposed by Wikileaks be lost when the MSM presents its contents in manners which fit their political agendas? Are we being manipulated as sheeple?
[10/12/2016] Putin Slams Russia Hacking Accusation: "Just A Ploy To Divert Attention From The Contents" [Are we metaphorically “killing the messenger” rather than paying attention to the contents of the message? What incompetent person set up easily hackable servers? What incompetent wanted to keep her records private - breaking all the record management laws? Is covering this up a good reason to risk nuclear war; is Hillary insane (seriously!)?] [CLICK HERE]
[10/11/2016] WikiLeaks Reveals DNC Elevated Trump to Help Clinton [ Joke beginning, Never ceases Till your inning Time releases, On your way You blindly stray, And day by day The joke increases! [Utopia Limited, G&S] [CLICK HERE]
[10/10/2016] ***Second Presidential Debate Fact-Check Livewire*** [ [FIVE] (not three) little words – Hillary: “awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country." Trump: "because you'd be in jail"] [CLICK HERE]
[10/09/2016] Why is it that the media jumps down Donald Trump’s throat for what he has said and yet gives Hillary Clinton a pass for what she has done? Captain Sharky from Down Maine
[10/08/2016] Judge Allows Alleged ISIS Funder to Be Served With Notice of Lawsuit Via Twitter [What will be a next step? Will Facebook soon be used to serve notice of pending legal actions by those under the disguise of being a ”friend”?] [CLICK HERE]
[10/07/2016] Torchbearer’ Movie an Urgent Wake-Up Call for American Christians [IN GOD WE TRUST ONE NATION UNDER GOD GOD BLESS AMERICA] [CLICK HERE]
[10/06/2016] ‘Flawless’ Victory: Mike Pence Dominates Tim Kaine in Vice Presidential Debate [Which candidate would you want a heartbeat away from the Presidency?] [CLICK HERE]
[10/05/2016] A Welfare Story [Was welfare created for the stated purpose of helping people out of poverty? Has welfare morphed into a reward for the unambitious and lazy and has it now become a way of life for many? Is it way too easy to qualify for assistance? Does the government want to be your nanny so they can exercise total control over your life and how you live?] [CLICK HERE]
[10/04/2016] Clinton’s Disgraceful Three-Headed Crime Has Compromised the FBI [“Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men [Hillary]? The Shadow [Assange] knows; he, he, he ...” Could one easily describe Hillary’s actions as beyond deplorable? Why are laws and statutes of which Hillary has offended/violated not being enforced?] [CLICK HERE]
[10/03/2016] Radioactive Water Dumped Into Florida Water As Sinkhole Opens Up [Other than fines, has a [CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE] complaint been filed?] [CLICK HERE]
10/02/2016] Do not say, “I will repay evil”; wait for the LORD, and HE will help you. Proverbs 20:22
[10/01/2016] State Department Admits It ‘Lost’ Clinton Foundation Email [Why is it that critical documents involved with Hillary end up missing? Were missing documents part of the Clinton play-book back in the days of Travelgate? Is anyone buying the fact that the “Solidarity Bonds Greece Revised” document attachment has actually been lost and is not out there somewhere in cyberland?] [CLICK HERE]
[This Page Last Updated on December 12, 2016]