From: Jean Allan Sovik
To: K. Allen Brooks 
Sent: Wed, September 1, 2010 9:01:16 AM
Subject: RE: RSA 383:10-d

Dear AG Brooks,

I have just begun to read the recently released "Interim Report" issued by the New Hampshire Legislature re: FRM. Of notice to me already is the Report's reference to
RSA 383:10-d, to quote, with respect to the duties of the New Hampshire Banking Department: "And, in case of conduct "involving an alleged criminal offense, the commissioner shall refer to the department of justice all aspect relevant to the criminal investigation and prosecution of such matter."

Although I am not able to access my complete files, as they have been converted by Waukewan Holdings, llc after the State forcibly removed me from my property located at 309 Waukewan Road, Center Harbor, NH, on May 15, 2009, somehow I did retain a copy of the attached letter from me to the New Hampshire Banking Department dated 4-17-09.

The letter speaks for itself. And, from where I sit, instead of referring the defendants, Robin Arkley II et al and the Laconia Savings Bank to the 'department of justice' [any department of justice], pursuant to RSA 383:10-d, the State instead arrested and incarcerated me.

Please consider this email a formal request for any information that was sent to the NH 'department of justice, by the Commissioner of the New Hampshire Banking Department, pertaining to the criminal issues that I raised in the attached letter, and in the very complete formal complaint that I and my affiliates filed with the New Hampshire Banking Department a year earlier.

Thank you for your immediate cooperation in this request and I will be very anxious to hear your response to this very urgent matter. My safety and my family's well being rests upon your answer.


Jean E. Allan aka Allan Sovik

[This Page Last Updated on September 03, 2010]