Opinion Based on Fact, Circumstantial Evidence


The Obvious


From: armlaw@hotmail.com
To: governorlynch@nh.gov
Subject: Former Attorney General Kelly Ayotte
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2010 00:51:22

Dear Governor Lynch,

I am contacting you for further information concerning the letter [from Jean E. Allan dated 06/01/2010], which is addressed to you and is now published on this website [NHJUSTICE.NET].

As a State Representative back into 2005-06 I was contacted by this woman, Jean Allan and asked to aid her in attempting to have Attorney General Ayotte provide her with the autopsy report and the location of her mothers body (remains).

As it was explained to me by Ms. Allan, her mother asked her to have a forensic autopsy made should she pass away in the, I believe it was the Laconia Hospital. She gave her mother assurance she would do so and it came to pass that that is what occurred. Attorney General Ayotte took charge of the body and that was the last she saw of her mother. She came to me as she had been [told] I was a former State Police investigator and that as a State Rep, perhaps I could help her.

I did have occasion to confront A.G. Ayotte in person and ask her what happened to Ms. Allan's mothers body. She advised she remembered the matter but would have to get the file out of archives to review it and she would let me know when it was available. Well, I have been out of office four years and I still have not heard from the former Attorney General and Ms. Allan still does not know where her mothers remains may be?

Kelly Ayotte is now running for the U.S. Senate using her so-called "leadership experience" as Attorney General for the foundation of her campaign. I find the failure to respond to me and the failure of her to reveal to Ms. Allan the location of her mother remains, a travesty and such behavior does not warrant her continued campaign for the Senate.

I simply ask that an investigation be made and the information given to me verified and that Ms. Allan be given the JUSTICE she deserves and this concealed matter be brought into the light of day.

Dick Marple
11 Dartmouth Street
Hooksett, New Hampshire


Further background informastion on this matter can be found on this web site at:

A daughter’s promise to her dying mother

The 06/01/2010 letter from Jean E. Allan to NH Governor Lynch can be found on this web site at:




     [This Page Last Updated on June 17, 2010]